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CPIB Investigation


*This screen shot has been edited to maintain privacy of investigations.

Many would be wondering why Tan would use Lorong Koo Chye Sheng Hong temple (LKCSHT) to take over the Thai temple opposite. It is rumoured that the temple was only for S$2M but was transacted at SGD$2.5 million as it was believed Tan had personally pocketed $500K into his pockets. Many fellow Taoist Federation members were very upset that Tan had made this buddhist temple as an Ordinary Member of Taoist Federation when it was very clear that it does not conform to traditions.

It was also later understood that Tan had wanted an annual fee of $600k as his salaries/ consultancy fees for the newly bidded Punggol Tua Pek Kong temple but former Chairman Lim had opposed it strongly. It was then known and went around in the faith community (around august) since Lim had an argument with Tan during the Management meeting with regards to the inconsistency of the accounting transparency. They had fallen out since then. Their auditor accountant is Chew Whye Lee PAC (Chartered Accountants of Singapore).

It’s also believed that the LKCSHT Head Priest Huang Xin Cheng 黄信成 holds the monies when he goes out for prayers and were not declared and shared on behalf to prevent people from further spreading rumours and allegations. He apparently controls whom gets into the prayer committee so he is able to control the people he trusts. There’s a saying which goes around which indicated that if you question and don’t comply to what they say. They will eliminate you from committee. Their former head of prayers choir wanted to warn Tan of this and sent a message to Tan some years ago. But apparently he was “eliminated” soon after. Seems like the 2 is in cahoots. The whole message as below:

"致:城隍庙会长 陈添来先生

A于23/9/2019晚上 我有发信息给你 现九皇爷法会过了 今重申对诵经团班委选举的疑问 及通报2015年 于青岛不为人知的秘密。

当天晚上诵经团 假三清宫举行班委选举 一开始黄信成道长 就将已经复印好的候选人名单 递给在场的每位道友 候选人名单是他个人列出来的 然后规定我们 左边8位候选人 最少要选7位 否则当废票 右边7位候补人 可任选五位到六位 总选人数要13位 我认为这规定不符合选举标准 他说:我是道长 说了算



2:有向庙索取一张凭据 有关于他没经过开会 而私下将诵经团一大笔钱交给庙保管的事

听他回应说: "没" 我就直接退场 当晚我出席投票 主要目的有二件事

B第一件事 就是关于诵经团这笔钱 这大笔钱是所有师兄们 热心捐出来印经书的余额 及去结缘时 事主给大家的两块钱 多年默默累积而来的 我不认为这有需要 将钱转移给庙管理。。。若将来城隍庙理事 改朝换代时 这笔钱会因无凭据 可能会发生钱不再属于诵经团了 那以后诵经团要印经书 或购买其它道具时 可能会发生缺少钱的问题 不是我不信任城隍庙 我认为处事需一一分明 若将来有一天 城隍庙需要诵经团 将这笔钱捐出来给庙 我相信开会的时候 大家都会乐意的通过。

我不信任的是黄信成 因当年我还没出任当班长时 黄孝泉就是一手遮天 将诵经团的一笔钱 交给庙代捐给四川大地震的灾民 他事前没开会或发通告给大家 而且庙也没有发收据给诵经团 就因此事 所以我才接受当诵经团的班长 我准备追查这笔钱捐出的真正款额 后来我冷静下来 多一事不如少一事 上任后我成立班委团 诵经团有自己的财政 一切透明度 我也"大刀阔斧"立了一些诵经团的守则 (所以很多人不喜欢 但我无愧于心 庆幸一些守则 还被后来的班委采用到现在)。

C于201511月2日 诵经团在青岛的法事后要回新加坡 黄信成在当地机场 因一人带了人民币三十多万 所以出了问题 当天我是走在团体的最后一位 从警察那儿了解了状况 我取出团体的名单 当地警察要我们将钱分散带 (幸好是城隍爷保佑) 当天因飞机延误 在候机室 黄信成突然走来我身边 小声叫我随他到无人的角落说: 今天的事别告诉其他道友 包括华乐团的人 我问:包括国梅? 他回应说 "是的" 他又说:春节后会给帮忙带钱的道友 每位人民币六千 我听了心里很惊讶 直觉告诉我 这笔钱应该是不会见光了

回到新加坡隔天 我就将帮忙带的人民币 带去城隍庙给他 农历新年过后 我想知道真像 于是就联系他 他叫我安排一咖啡店 联系带钱的那几位师出来见面 后来是一"道友" 在大巴窑一餐馆包一厢房

在大巴窑餐馆 他说只带三十万人民币 十万是青岛庙给他的个人酬劳 会交给庙的是二十万人民币 扣除了给中国的三位道长及其它费用(??。。) 所以城隍庙只收到那么一点钱 就因这事 我更不相信他的人格

当年我有去两间庙请示 城隍爷及三清道祖 皆准我去举报 但为了城隍庙及道教 我迟迟没行动 后来也准备不管这事故了 让上天去处理

D班委竞选当晚 我关注的第二件事 之前诵经团员陈XX的母亲 于9月18日过世 班长发通知说亚丽没邀请诵经团去结缘 经我提醒过后 班长才另发通告 所以才有8位同道到丧所 (黄信成于同天下午 也才去丧所进行一简单仪式) 这类事故已经发生几次了 感觉黄信成 他只关心自己的生日或教师节 及有他个人红包收入的活动 或能向庙居功的活动 为了让诵经团员 如其它宗教的义工们 来庙有归属感 当晚我本要给一提议 可惜他没给机会。。。

E2015年 农历二月十九晚 团体在三清宫诵经 庆祝观音诞 我进你办公室 确定青岛的钱后 你 对

F2015年农历四月 我开坛与你通电话 让我更心寒 没想到多年的付出 从不求邀功 不但没苦劳 多年来我与师兄们 来庙都是出钱出力 大家从来没求任何津贴 出国的保险费还是掏个人的口袋钱 (因经我反应后 后来的出国活动 庙才帮付出国保险费) 遗憾竟然有人告诉你 是我与少群 贪婪青岛那区区的六千人民币 你又说。。。热心的付出却遭遇到痛心的回报

G现在的黄信成 会如此胆大 是因他知道 你对我有不爽 (包括诵经团多数师兄) 所以才狐假虎威 这次班委选举 从他的态度 令我决定要去警察局 举报他青岛中饱私囊的事情 我感恩城隍爷 我爱道教 所以举报之前 因你是会长 也是志铭的爸 我先给你通知 若你没意见 三天后我会寄给城隍庙理事会 待这事情圆满结束后 我才会安心退出诵经团"

From reliable resources, Tan’s son Chen Zhiming whom is a staff employee of the temple had set up companies which in return provide services and bill back to the temple, disregarding any possibilities of conflict of interests. On other occasions where tenders are called, the tenderers’ prices and quotes for software provision to the temple were also reveal to his own friends whom also participated in the tender, kick backs were believed to have been collected for these information. It was widely believed that Tan is aware of these issues but had allowed it to happen.

Their main finance team is based at San Qing Gong at Bedok. This team handles all the finances for SQG, TFS, Hougang Dou Mu temple and LKCSH temple. However, from April to June 2021, the key accounts personnel had since left the organisation. This is highly dubious as these people are very close to Tan.

And many will know that due to the relationship between Tan and his celebrity Getai Organiser son, Aaron Tan (陈志伟), many temples are "pressured" into using Aaron's services so that Tan can assist these temples for permit application or any other appeals needed to the authorities.

At this time of crisis, we should be looking at how to fight the pandemic. Did you realised that he had been advocating about having the Getais and auctions resume soonest possible?

The alleged investigations was put across to Tan during Inter-Faith Organisation (IRO)'s monthly meeting when he was the President of the term 20/21. Tan denied all allegations and insisted that it was a wrongful accusation and he will make a police report and inform the authorities on it. But it was unclear if any reports were made.

Tan had earlier told a Straits Times reporter whom had reached out to him for comments that he had requested for the government to investigate the people behind the accusations against him and that there was also talk about the allegations could have arisen from unhappiness with Tan Thiam Lye and other federation members.

It was rumoured that Tan had later reached out to local media and requested the local media to suppress this news. It is hope that the local media will be non-bias and at least let the public know if Tan is currently assisting in any investigations.

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